-    +----------------------------------------------------------------+     
     | File area # 33 .. MF_Net Release 6 to MF_Net Release 7 Upgrade |
 A '*' indicates that the file is new
 Mainframe Update Release 1
 This update consisted of three update backup disks, along with a server
 bootstrap disk and a VX/XEN_i AWS ststion boot disk. These five disks have
 been compressed and turned into 5 self-unpacking files that should be
 unpacked onto 5 blank formatted (no system tracks) disks with the following
 command (change {filename} for the file in question):-
   ie:     A:\} C:{filename}.EXE
     This will unpack {filename}.EXE from drive C: and copy all the files onto
     drive A:, making the disk in drive A: a bootable disk, if it is meant to
     be bootable.
 Filename       Size   Date  * Description
 --------       ----   ----  - -----------
MFBOOT.EXE    350917 04-19-89  Self-unpacking archive - Server Bootstrap
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a bootable
                               formatted floppy (WITH system tracks)
                               that was formatted on an MF, telling the
                               unpack program to overwrite any existing
                               files on the floppy disk.
                               (ie A:} C:MFBOOT ).
STATION.EXE   189635 04-19-89  Self unpacking archive - VX/XEN_i W/S boot
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:STATION ).
BACKUP1.EXE   358935 04-19-89  Self unpacking archive - Backup disk 1
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:BACKUP1 ).
BACKUP2.EXE   403633 04-19-89  Self unpacking archive - Backup disk 2
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:BACKUP2 ).
BACKUP3.EXE   203062 04-19-89  Self unpacking archive - Backup disk 3
                               Run the EXE file on drive C: from a blank
                               formatted floppy (no system tracks) in drive A:
                               (ie A:} C:BACKUP3 ).


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